The Vibe of Heaven

What will heaven be like? I’ve wondered that since I was a child. If you’re like me, you assumed it would be like your church: the sights, the sounds, and the feels (for me that was pictures of the sky or flowers on the bulletin, organ music, and uncomfortable clothes). A similar feeling must have inspired the Biggie Smalls lyrics:

It don't make sense, going to heaven with the goodie-goodies/
Dressed in white, I like black Timbs and black hoodies

Depending on what churches Mr. Smalls was familiar with, he may have a point. But heaven will make sense for everyone who is there. It will be all the vibes for all the peoples. It will transcend our individual preferences and yet, it will contain all that we desire.

Heaven will be peaceful and tranquil, but also rugged and raw and not without its primal aspects. You may not enjoy heaven as the hymns of yesteryear sung in vibrato, but I assure you there are plenty of grandmothers who will. On the other hand, they may be surprised to find there the drums of “bang bang music,” as my late grandmother put it. I’m quite convinced the bass lines will be funky. In any case, it will have all the vibes; and more importantly, we will dig them all to the glory of Christ.


Safe Paths


The Reformed Doctrine of Pondering the Orbs