Safe Paths

A little forethought can go a long way in making our futures secure. We buy insurances of all types to give ourselves peace of mind. Insurance companies can guarantee financial help in the event of an accident, disaster, or misfortune. While they can’t stop those things from happening, they can afford us some peace of mind for ourselves and our loved ones. When it comes to our spiritual and ultimate well-being, well, that is quite out of our hands. God (who controls all things) has given us his wisdom for obtaining peace of mind about the ups and downs the future may hold for us:

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,

but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.

-Proverbs 10:9

Living an honest life is a safeguard in its own right, for it gives us peace of mind. And that is no small ingredient in a life confidently lived. On the contrary, walking in crookedness—secretly doing evil—fills us with worry. It’s only a matter of time; we will be found out. But if we walk honestly before God, we know that bad things still can (and probably will) happen, but we can face them with inner peace, knowing that they are God’s portion for us and not the consequences of our secret sin. Integrity is the safe path through the wilderness of this world.


William Perkins on the Trinity


The Vibe of Heaven