The Reformed Doctrine of Pondering the Orbs

Wizards are in (thanks Gandalf), and so are their orbs. So, no time like the present for Christians to catch some mage vibes and gaze upon orbs of another sort than the palaníri (that is for another blog). And why not? Didn’t our dear brothers, the righteous magi, come to worship Christ by pondering the orbs? Maybe we can too.

God’s orbs, sun, moon, and star, have brightened the sky for a long time. When you peer up into that firmament, you see ancient celestial bodies in an ancient heavenly rhythm. Everything that’s ever happened on earth took place under those same lights. So next time you look up, remember what the Lord Jesus says about it all:

“When he established the heavens, I was there.” (Prov 8:27)

Do we have the foggiest idea Who we are dealing with?


The Vibe of Heaven


Darwin’s New Clothes