Darwin’s New Clothes

Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick, who discovered the structure of DNA, issued the following warning to his colleagues:

Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved.

Why the need to constantly remind oneself of this? Because the temptation to believe that some Intelligence made everything is powerfully attractive while examining the evidence. DNA apparently screams design, and even the most staunchly Darwinian biologist must diligently remind himself that what he is seeing was not, in fact, fashioned by a living God.

They say if you’re taking an exam and you’re unsure of the answer, go with your gut. Our brains are smarter than we realize. The same applies here. Your instincts tell you there is a Creator: your instincts are right. To deny this is “The Emperor’s New Clothes” all over again. Try to think yourself out of it all you like; sooner or later you’ll end up right back where you started, acknowledging the glorious Maker with every instinct of your being.


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