Elementary, My Dear Aang
I’m not exactly sure who Agur the son of Jakeh was, but I know that he had bars. Check out his utterance:
Who has ascended to heaven and come down?
Who has gathered the wind in his fists?
Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name, and what is his son’s name?
Surely you know!
-Proverbs 30:4
The hero void in our hearts shows that we were made to worship God through Christ. Even our coolest heroes—in this case, the great benders of Avatar—can only faintly mimic him.
Let It Snow
Snow has become the arch-nemesis of many northern dwellers. However, the living Puritan Dr. Joel Beeke had this to say about it after last week’s snowstorm:
The Bible speaks of snow a few dozen times—either positively, spiritually, or neutrally (never negatively!). He blankets the earth in white to accomplish His purposes (Isa. 55:10; cf. Job 37:13). Snow reflects His power and purity. He even associates the whiteness of snow with the forgiveness of sins (Ps. 51:7): “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isa. 1:18).
May these thoughts guide us in our interactions with God’s snow for the rest of this winter!
How to Be a Star
Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.
-Phil 2:14–15
Our brilliance in this dim world is found in our submission to God’s providence. Just as the stars follow their ordered march through space and time, so too the Christian shines brightest when marching in joyful submission to God’s revealed will, and when resigning to whatever his secret will sends our way. Then our lives shall pulse in step with the Great Dance of God’s wondrous decree.
Cheers in Christmas Mirrors
Origen was a Church Father from ancient Egypt who lived, preached, and suffererd in the cause of Christ. He gets a bad rap for outlandish interpretations of Scripture but deserves to be studied. In any case, what he says here is worth checking out:
He who made all things in wisdom so created all the species of visible things upon earth, that He placed in them some teaching and knowledge of things invisible and heavenly, whereby the human mind might mount to spiritual understanding and seek the grounds of things in heaven.
In other words, as we enjoy the fellowship and laughter, food and drink, giving and gifts, and even, perhaps, the sadness of Christmas, let us go forth armed with a biblical mindset which looks for the brushstrokes and listens for the sweet notes of the Maker in all things. As we enjoy these good things, let us enjoy our God in and through them. Then it will be a Merry Christmas indeed!
Onward, Christian Soldiers
“Fight,” “wage warfare,” and “put to death” are phrases in the Christian vocabulary. We are called to “take up the whole armor of God” and to wield “weapons of righteousness.” Interestingly, these warlike phrases are not about fighting other people or “the culture” or even false religions. They speak mainly of waging war against our own sin and unbelief (1 Tim 6:12, 1:18; Col 3:5; Rom 8:13; Eph 6:11; 2 Cor 6:7).
Want to become a Christian soldier, marching as to war? Take up the sword of the Spirit and slay thine own lusts, take captive thine own twisted thoughts, rule over thine own spirit! For “he who rules his spirit [is better] than he who takes a city” (Prov 16:32). Strike down thine own unbelief with the mighty gospel promises of God. There isn’t much renown in true spiritual warfare in this life, but that’s not what this battle is about.
Let’s stick to our orders, soldiers.
Putting the Bet in Better
Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away.
-Proverbs 27:10
The blessings in our lives are better than the ones not in them. The friend who is close is better than the brother who is distant. Proximity is part of the formula that makes something good for us.
Bet. So let’s rejoice in our friends, our spouse, our fellow church members, in our every blessing that is in our lives. Let’s turn to them for help and support rather than wishing upon a star. For us, they are the very best.
Obligatory Thanksgiving Post
Kidding! We are, however, under obligation to give thanks at all times.
Rebellion against the Maker begins with a refusal to give thanks to him for his many good gifts (Romans 1:21). Adam and Eve were not happy with the fullness of the Garden of Eden. They just had to have more. We are the same way.
Next time we find ourselves fixated on something we want, let us redirect our hearts and minds to thank our generous Creator for all the amazing blessings we do have.
Talk Is Dirt Cheap
Talk really is cheap. Check the Proverb:
Like the glaze covering an earthen vessel are fervent lips with an evil heart.
-Proverbs 26:23
Fair-sounding words are like thin, shiny, silver coating that makes an object look valuable. But it is of little worth, for underneath is nothing but dirt. Those of us who are good at speaking need to be careful, and even those of us who are not must take heed. Let us weight our silver words with the pure gold of a good and honest heart. And while we’re at it, check out this gem on the subject from my man who goes by the name of Jeremiah…Dirt.
Does It Pour When It Rains?
Yeah, pretty much. We all go through times when worse follows bad. But this need not continue forever. Those who trust in Jesus fall and get back up again and again. But check out the last bit of the verse:
But the wicked stumble in times of calamity.
-Proverbs 24:17
While the righteous can weather storms, the wicked stumble and fall when things go bad. Their end will be like this too, for suddenly they will be plunged into death and eternal despair in a time of trouble. Sin can make life seem fun and easy, but the bill comes due, and swiftly!
I’ve Fallen and I Can Get Up
The righteous falls seven times and rises again.
-Proverbs 24:16
What makes a Christian is not sinlessness and success in all we do. It is that when we fall, we rise again. This is the story of the believer: we stumble and fall at many times and in many ways, but God is not done with us. So we get back up and press forward. It is our destiny to rely on the helping power of Christ to raise us up again and again. And when we finally fall in death, even then we will rise again, like he did.