Cheers in Christmas Mirrors
Origen was a Church Father from ancient Egypt who lived, preached, and suffererd in the cause of Christ. He gets a bad rap for outlandish interpretations of Scripture but deserves to be studied. In any case, what he says here is worth checking out:
He who made all things in wisdom so created all the species of visible things upon earth, that He placed in them some teaching and knowledge of things invisible and heavenly, whereby the human mind might mount to spiritual understanding and seek the grounds of things in heaven.
In other words, as we enjoy the fellowship and laughter, food and drink, giving and gifts, and even, perhaps, the sadness of Christmas, let us go forth armed with a biblical mindset which looks for the brushstrokes and listens for the sweet notes of the Maker in all things. As we enjoy these good things, let us enjoy our God in and through them. Then it will be a Merry Christmas indeed!