
What have the orbs to do with Jerusalem? Apparently very much indeed. I’ve been reading C.S. Lewis on medieval cosmology and the orb presents itself as a theme.

In short, when the ancients lifted their gaze and beheld the heavens arrayed in circles and spheres, they naturally asked the question, “Why?” Their answer was simple: all created order wishes to reflect its Maker as closely as possible. In this case, the heavenly bodies exhibit not only spherical shape, but circular motion. Of all the shapes, said they, the circle most nearly epitomizes the Divine Nature. A circle (and its 3D counterpart the sphere) has no corners, no shadow of turning, no sides or parts. It is all one. And as for movement, a circular path is also the swiftest motion. Thus, for some ancient and medieval thinkers, the heavens were populated by sun, moon, planet, and star orbs that, embedded into the transparent spheres of the heavens (look it up), moved in circular love for their simple, invisible Creator, who just so happens to be the God of the Bible and the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Not bad, eh?


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