Open Your Word Eye

“The wise have eyes in their heads” (Ecclesiastes 2:14). So there it is, the infamous third eye, or should we say third eyes? And why wouldn’t the mind have eyes? It sees invisible realities which cannot be perceived by the physical eye. Without it the two eyes of the face can’t even make sense of what they see. Truly, “what is seen was not made out things that are visible” (Hebrews 11:3).

But not everyone has these eyes. What makes the difference? The wise person sees things as God sees them. Their mind has been opened to understand his word and through it to understand all things. It’s a way of seeing the world through Scripture, like a great lens upon the mind’s eye. Without it we are blind to the spiritual realities around us. So let’s goggle up with the word and see the most important things more clearly.


The Reformed Doctrine of Scaling Walls

