When Hurting Helps
Our bodies have built-in sensors that tell us, among other things, when something hurts. They play this particular number in a key no one can ignore: pain. But even pain can be a good thing. Without it, we would harm ourselves to death without even knowing it. In this way hurt gives life.
In spiritual matters, we do not have the same system by nature. Instead, the Lord uses his word to alert us when something is harming us spiritually. And that word often comes in the form of reproofs and rebukes. In other words, it is a kind of spiritual pain. And it too gives life.
It’s what we do with these warnings that makes all the difference. If we play our cards right—by leaning into reproofs instead of plugging our ears against them—they can lead us to a better tomorrow:
The ear that listens to life-giving reproof
will dwell among the wise.
- Proverbs 15:31