What are the Means of Grace?

According to Reformed theology, the means of grace are the golden pipes through which the grace of God flows to needy sinners like us. They are the channels, or pathways, of his spiritual goodness.

The Reformed DOctrine of the Means of Grace

So what are these means of grace? The word, prayer, and the sacraments (we see this most explicitly in Acts 4:42). We receive grace through the word when we hear preaching with faith, read with a trusting attitude, sing God’s truth together, and fellowship with each other in Christ. We receive grace through prayer when we lift our souls to God, especially when we pray with one another. We receive grace through sacrament when we are baptized, and when we take the Lord’s supper together.

The Reformed practice of the Means of Grace

Put this knowledge into practice immediately. Hover about the word of God. Fellowship with other believers this week. Pray often to your Father in heaven. But most of all, show up on Sunday. Show up with faith. Show up with expectation. By all means ready thyself for serious feasting on unbelievable portions of grace for your soul. For what are the means of grace if not the paths upon which the Lord of wonders walks with the people he loves?


What is Natural Revelation?


God Bless the Dragon Warriors