We Wish You a Marrow Christmas

It’s Christmastime, and I’d like to share a brief passage from The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher. It speaks of the wonders of the incarnation of God the Son for us. It’s rich, so enjoy slowly and thoughtfully:

True it is, that we are all of us, indeed, too unclean to touch God in immediate unity; but yet there is a pure counterpart of our natures, and that pure humanity is immediately knit to the purest Deity; and by that immediate union you may come to a mediate union; for the Deity and that humanity being united, make one Saviour… And so…you come also to be one with God: he one by a personal union, and you one by a mystical. Clear up then your eye, and fix it on him, as on the fairest of men, the perfection of a spiritual beauty, the treasure of heavenly joy, the true object of most fervent love. Let your spirits look, and long, and seek after this Lord: let your souls cleave to him, let them hang about him, and never leave him, till he be brought into the chambers of your souls; yea, tell him resolutely, you will not leave him, till you hear his voice in your souls, saying, "My well-beloved is mine, and I am his"; yea, and tell him, you are "sick [with] love." Let your souls go, as it were, out of your bodies and out of the world, by heavenly contemplations; and treading upon the earth with the bottom of your feet, stretch your souls up, to look over the world, into that upper world, where [your] treasure is, and where [your] beloved dwelleth.

It’s the perfect time to contemplate the goodness and beauty of our Lord and all that he has done for us in his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and soon-to-be return to reign. Merry Christmas!


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Anxiety & Piety