On the Omnipresence of God

Where is God? So reads Question 13 of the children’s catechism we use at home. Answer: God is everywhere. It’s the kind of idea that kids really love to puzzle over. Let’s be honest, it’s the kind of idea we all love to puzzle over! How can God be everywhere all at once? The question leaves us bewildered in wonder at the mysteries of the living God.

One thing we can say is that God is everywhere because he created everywhere and keeps it (and everything in it) in existence at all times. Hebrews tells us that he “upholds the universe by the word of his power” (1:3)—he is doing so right now and always. So he is there, wherever there is, holding the very shape of reality together by his infinite power and wisdom.

God is outside creation. He transcends it, dwelling beyond space and time and all the other things and places he has created (including heaven). And yet he permeates his creation. It is rich with his presence. He is the hidden power at the very source of the being of everything that exists. Because of this, God is intimately close to everything and everyone that exists. As Paul said, “He is actually not far from each one of us, for ‘In him we live and move and have our being’” (Acts 17:27-28).

Call upon this great God today, and he will hear you, for he is near you.


Paul as Mr. Mom


Everything You Did Yesterday