Meme Theology

Memes are great. If you meet someone who doesn’t like them, you may have a shape-shifting lizard person on your hands. But for us humans, memes just hit. Why is that? One thing that makes them so lovable is the bite-sized nature of the (hopefully humorously-rich) joke contained within the simple digital square.

When it comes to theology, it’s no joke. But we see this same principle at work in the Scriptures and theological works—especially catechisms and confessions. Of course, many matters of faith are complex and require much explanation. But the big stuff, the most important stuff, is straightforward and bite-sized for our faith.

For example, how sweet and pleasant are the meme-sized Proverbs of Solomon? Even the Greater Solomon dropped gems in small compass: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Boom — that’s the whole gospel right there, ready to share with all your friends.

So let’s appreciate and treasure up the meme theologies God has blessed us with.


Shield Revealed


Elementary, My Dear Aang