“There was nothing hidden from Solomon that he could not explain to her.” 2 Chronicles 9:2
Solomon was the wonder of the ancient world. In far away places, they heard tell of a little kingdom to the east, or to the north, to the south, or perhaps westward, where a strange people lived, whose king was blessed by the gods with great wisdom. The Queen of the South wasn’t so sure what she thought about all this. Who could believe such things anyway? She must find out for herself.
The event is well known and still cherished by several cultures (some hit and miss art stands in its memorial). Of all the peoples who sent to inquire about Solomon (1 Kings 4:34), why is Sheba’s visit recorded in Scripture? Well, for one thing, she asked a lot of questions. She was wise and inquisitive (which are sometimes the same thing, and sometimes the opposite!). In her case it was highest wisdom; the Lord himself speaks in her honor (Matt 12:42).
Her questions gave Solomon a chance to spread his wings. How high could he reach? What limits were set on his knowledge? There had to be a roof, a ceiling past which he could not go. But there wasn’t. For all practical purposes from the human point of view, he knew everything. This was quite astonishing. Whatever wisdom or knowledge you desired, it was there, like treasure, hidden away in the vast mind of the king. He reminds me of Another.