The song of apostasy
We have no portion in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse; every man to his tents, O Israel!
2 Samuel 20:1
This was the poetic expression of a worthless man named Sheba, who capitalized on the tension between Judah and Israel. This saying is always found on the lips of those who fall away from God: there is no profit for us in the Son of David. It is the song of apostasy.
Is it true? Never! The only real portion is found in Jesus. They say there's no gain in godliness; they inherit fire and brimstone. We have a great portion in our Greater David. As David himself says,
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Psalm 16:6
Little old me and you are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. We are the children of his household and the apple of his eye. We have every promise, every grace, every help, every angel, every brother and sister, every providence, and every attribute of God working for us. We are rich.