Answered prayer
It's a very simple fact beloved: the LORD answers the prayers of his people. He will answer every one.
What forgotten prayers of yours are yet hanging about God's throne, awaiting an answer? What have you asked for? Whatever prayers you have offered, you will have your answers in due time.
If you've prayed according to God's will, your answer is Yes and you only need wait for it. Have you prayed for the advance of the gospel? For more faith and love and joy and patience and boldness for yourself and your fellow believers? To know Christ more? You will have your answer from on high and that answer will be in the affirmative.
Have prayers for lost loved ones shot from your heart like arrows to God's throne? You will have an answer, and why not a Yes? Would God get glory from their salvation, rather than their destruction, in which he takes no pleasure? Pray that way! Pray at all times and make all sorts of requests known to God—big prayers, small prayers, all prayers. Send them until they gather round his throne of grace in thick clusters, fruit awaiting the shouts of a joyful harvest.